Campo Professional Chimney Inspection

Chimney Inspection:
What to Expect
A chimney inspector inspects a building’s chimneys to ensure they’re functioning properly. He also checks to see if they’re damaged and needs repairs before inspecting a building’s smokestacks.
This inspection reveals issues that aren’t visible, such as damaged or blocked pipes. A professional chimney inspection can help homeowners clean their chimneys and reduce smoke buildup inside their homes.
A chimney’s interior is difficult to inspect, but inspectors have advanced technology at their disposal. Cameras are attached to the end of extended poles for this reason. They allow inspectors to safely access areas that can’t be seen with the naked eye. This allows them to check pipes for cracks, damage, and blockages without putting themselves at risk.
The inspector may also fix problems he finds in fittings and capstones. He also determines if a capstone needs to be replaced after years of weathering has taken its toll. Inspectors can detect problems with a chimney’s elements much earlier than builders do, which leads to more effective repairs.
Don’t Let Your House Become a Fire Risk
A professional inspection can reveal how dangerous your fire is from a structural standpoint as well as from an environmental standpoint. Inspectors examine how stable and secure each part of the fire is in position and if any parts need repair or replacement.
They also inspect how well your building has been maintained so no dangerous materials accumulate around the fire site. Essentially, taking care of your fire makes it safer; having an unsightly but stable stack helps protect both your home and those living nearby it.
Having an inspector check your fire periodically helps you stay on top of your maintenance so neither you nor anyone living near you gets injured by Burns-ready materials accumulated around your fire site.